Hands On Health

Dr. Maria Coffman, D.O.

Osteopathic Physician
Hands On Health · Columbia, MO

Archive for April, 2012

A Pain-Free Fix

My daughter had an overbite–can’t remember the technical term for it–and was in braces for 4 months. When the harsher wire was put on she complained of terrible pain and her jaw locking up. We went to see Dr. Coffman who consulted with our orthodontist. He agreed to take off the wire for a while. Maria did her magic on the jaw a few times over the course of a few months and when we went back to the orthodontist the jaw had moved to the place he was hoping to get to by using the harsh wire. This was done without any wires at all! If you are considering braces please see Dr. Coffman first!


Subtle But Profound

During a routine osteopathic treatment with Dr. Coffman, I jokingly asked her for a facelift. She felt drawn to work on my nose and we both felt noticeable movement. I was so suprised to look in the mirror the next day and find that the bump in my nose had remarkably diminished !! Also, my nose was much more uplifted in appearance. Wow. After years of disliking my profile due to several injuries I am happy to look in the mirror! It never ceases to amaze me how gentle manipulation can have such profound results.

– L.B., Virginia

Lasting Comfort

Dr. Coffman helped me tremendously with my shoulder. I have had problems for years with an impingement. I had gone the traditional route with xrays, mri, weeks of physical therapy, and the offer of surgery when the pain recurred. At my first appointment I explained everything to Maria and told her I was thinking about trying physical therapy again. She said “I can write you a prescription for that, or we can try some manipulation.” After one visit I could lift my arm again. After four painless (and relaxing) visits I was pain free and have been ever since. I think that was 2 years ago.


Gentle Hands, Excellent Care & Practical Advice

Several years ago I pulled my lower back while gardening. Then I fell forward going up two steps and jammed my thigh bone (femur) into my hip socket. I saw my regular doctor who prescribed a muscle relaxant and narcotic pain reliever. I was advised to “take it easy.” The doctor warned that an MRI, epidural or back surgery would be the next step if the meds didn’t work. I took them and laid low but soon a pain began to shoot down my other leg when I tried to walk. When that happened that leg would not hold my weight.

I had been a patient of Dr. Maria’s before and although I live out of state I called her office. She arranged a series of appointments over the next three days. My husband made a bed in the back of our van and he drove me the three hours to Columbia. With each treatment she explained how I could strengthen myself and prevent further injury. I had come in with my borrowed walker and walked out slowly on my own! We returned the next week for 3 more treatments. I could walk with minimal pain! I didn’t need surgery after all. Thank you, Dr. Maria.