Hands On Health

Dr. Maria Coffman, D.O.

Osteopathic Physician
Hands On Health · Columbia, MO

Archive for January, 2017

Help After Fall

“I am so impressed with Dr. Maria Coffman’s work. I had fallen last Friday and even though it was not a bad fall, I was having much pain in entire left leg, jaw, and shoulder. It was even affecting my walk. In just one, very gentle treatment, I feel so much better. My hips were not balanced and many other issues from the fall. I recommend her as excellent. She and her office staff are lovely and welcoming. The office has the feeling of peace and calm and healing.” -Pamela S.

Relief from Anxiety

“Since seeing Dr. Coffman, my anxiety has decreased dramatically. I have also gained a clearer focus and better awareness of myself and surroundings. Thank you, Dr. Coffman!” – Tekla T

February News

New for 2017 – More Fridays!!

Open Fridays, January 27th, February 3rd, 10th, and 17th!

We will be open Monday, February 20th – Presidents’ Day!


Welcome pre-med shadow, Fariba Pourooshasb!


Research Opportunity!

The office is participating in an exciting research project by the National Institutes of Health and ATSU regarding Osteopathic Treatment. Inquire for enrollment.


Want to share?

We are collecting patient experiences to display on our website. If you would like to share your osteopathic story, please let us know!


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Hands on Health Osteopathic Medicine – Dr. Maria Coffman

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