Hands On Health

Dr. Maria Coffman, D.O.

Osteopathic Physician
Hands On Health · Columbia, MO

From June 15th – 19th Dr. Maria Coffman will attend the 2016 Osteopathic Cranial Academy conference titled, “Our Triune Nature.” Dr. Coffman serves on the International and Marketing committees for the Academy

Welcome new office staff, Mikayla Knaebel, a recent graduate of Columbia College!

Farewell to office staff, Michael Brown, as he begins his medical education at ATSU’s Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

The office will be closed these dates in June & July:
Thursday, June 16th | Monday, June 20th | July 4th – July 15th

The office will be open Fridays June 24th and July 1st

Photo Below: New (Mikayla) and old (Michael) office staff enjoying their day in the outdoor park.