Hands On Health

Dr. Maria Coffman, D.O.

Osteopathic Physician
Hands On Health · Columbia, MO

Archive for March, 2016

Orlando, FL 2016 Visceral Osteopathy Course

From March 12th-March 15th, Dr. Maria Coffman and Dr. David Spencer traveled to Orlando, FL to assist teaching a visceral osteopathy course for the annual A.A.O. Conference

Ralf, Shaun, Alexandra

Photo (above): Convocation
From left to right: Alexandra Reel–Associate Director of Development, ATSU; Shaun Sommer, PhD–Vice President of Advancement, ATSU; Swiss Osteopath, Ralf Dornieden, MSc.D.O., Dr. Maria Coffman, D.O., and Dr. David Spencer, D.O.
Photo (below):Dr. David and Dr. Maria and Dr. Richard Schuster, D.O. enjoyed the week co-teaching as faculty for the visceral course.


April 2016 News

On April 29th Dr. Coffman will introduce new concepts about orthodontic treatment in osteopathy to staff at Spencer Orthodontics in Sedalia, MO

Dr. Coffman and Dr. David Spencer will travel to Paris, France for, “Osteopathy in the Dental Arts,” taught by French osteopath, Maurice Bensoussan, MD, DO, FCA

The office will be closed the following days:
Mondays, April 4th and 11th
Tuesday, April 5th
Thursday, April 7th

The office will be open Friday, April 15th

Welcome pre-medical student shadows-Chiamaka, Michael, and Mikayla!

Are you enjoying your osteopathic medical experience and want to share? Help us spread the word by being featured on our website’s Patient Highlights!

March 2016 News

Happy March, everyone! Here are some news updates for this month:

On March 4th Dr. Coffman will volunteer at Harrisburg Elementary to teach third graders Tension-Tamer Tools

Dr. Coffman and Dr. Spencer will be assisting with a visceral osteopathy course at the annual A.A.O. conference
in Orlando, FL from March 12th-16th!

The office will be closed the following days:
Monday, March 14th
Tuesdays, March 15th and 29th
Thursdays, March 17th and 31st

The office will be open Fridays March 18th and 25th

Welcome pre-medical student shadows-
Chiamaka, Michael, and Mikayla!

Are you enjoying your osteopathic medical experience and want to share? Help us spread the word by being featured on our website’s Patient Highlights!