Dr. Maria Coffman continues to be involved with the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in Jefferson City.

Dr. Maria Coffman and Student Doctor Justin Penny stand next to a bust of A.T. Still, M.D., D.O., the originator of osteopathy who was recently inaugurated into the Missouri Hall of Fame.

Dr. Maria Coffman and Student Doctor Justin Penny stand next to a bust of A.T. Still, M.D., D.O., the originator of osteopathy who was recently inaugurated into the Missouri Hall of Fame.

Dr. Maria Coffman will participate in the Brain, Vision, and Membranes course taught by Dr. Chikly in Louisville, KY.

Dr. Maria Coffman will also attend the American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation in Louisville, KY.

Also this month, Hands on Health welcomes Pre-Osteopathic Students John, Sara, Khalil, and Caya.

Remember you can schedule your own appointment online here, and give our Facebook page a visit!